Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Author: Judy Cho

Gut Healing Protocol List

Gut Supports that You Need Right Now

I focus on root-cause healing. Oftentimes that means healing the gut with a meat-based elimination diet. Gut health is so critical I wrapped Carnivore Cure around a meat-based elimination diet. Diet alone...

Meat and Greenhouse Gas Chart

Meat and Climate Change

Meat gets blamed for climate change. Many public figures love pointing the finger at removing meat as the solution. I bought into it and nearly lost my life following a plant-based diet for 12...

Raw milk and organic UHT milk comparison

Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk

I am an advocate for raw milk and all raw dairy as it has all the proper nutrients and enzymes to support the human body. And if you tell me that it’s unsafe, my...

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